


This week’s theme gave me agida. I tried to sneak a picture of my grandma’s hands at the nursing home but couldn’t. And honestly, in all the recent pictures I have of her, she still looks pretty darn good (she’s 95). Same for my Dad, thought of posting a picture of his crow lines, but he also, still looks darn good. Thought of posting my own crow lines (and I may have resorted to that), if Chris didn’t help out.
While we were having dinner last night, I told him about my dilemma and after he too suggested grandma, he looked at a crumpled piece of foil sitting on the table, and said, “Why not that.”

So I did. But I couldn’t get a good, clear shot, too dark. Then this morning, I tried again but the crumpled piece of foil just didn’t work. I don’t have a fancy shmancy camera and it just couldn’t focus well enough. Then I unfolded the crumpled foil and voila!


Wrinkled Foil