I'm Not ScaredI started I’m Not Scared a while ago but had to way-lay it when my book club fast approached (the previously mentioned Stone Diaries), so finally while we were in California, I finished it. It’s a good coming of age story about an Italian boy living in a poor small town (really a hamlet) in southern Italy. He stumbles upon a mystery that ends up leading to places he never should have gone. I have two issues with the story though, trying not to give too much a way 1) I believe and will double check this, but the hero is all of nine years-old. He seemed older. I would have placed him at twelve, too mature otherwise. 2) The ending. Such an ending – let’s just say, if you’re someone who needs closure, this isn’t the book for you. I’m almost tempted to write the author to find out what happened next! It’s a quick easy read though, and worth an afternoon’s investment. I believe it’s since been made into a movie, so I’m updating my Netflix queue to grab a hold of it to watch with Becky (she had read the book a while ago, pulling it off my shelf when she was in short supply of reading material.