One of the things I love about my New York Times subscription is the emails I get almost daily highlighting their recipes. Last week, I saw this one for a Tomato, Fresh Fig and Blue Cheese salad. It never occurred to me to combine tomatoes and figs but I have a ton of tomatoes from my Von Thun Farms CSA and I bought a 2lb container of fresh figs from Costco so I picked up some blue cheese and made this for lunch.

First thing to note, their recipe calls for 4 servings, I ate the entire thing for my lunch. Now before you roll your eyes, I cut their 1/4C of extra virgin olive oil down to a 1 teaspoon drizzle. I also didn’t use a full 1/2lb of figs probably closer to a 3rd and I sliced mine, not quartered (I just liked the asthetic better). Lastly, I used about 1 1/2t drizzle of fig balsamic vinegar instead of regular, oh and no pine nuts in the house so I subbed 1/4oz of pistachios which was 1 Weight Watcher Smart Point.

It was really good and I may have it again tomorrow for lunch … or maybe even breakfast!


  • 2 decent size tomatoes, thinly sliced
  • 1/3lb fresh figs sliced
  • 1oz good blue cheese, crumbled
  • 1/4t sea or kosher salt
  • 1/4oz nuts such as almonds, pine nuts or pistachios
  • 1t olive oil
  • 1.5t good balsamic vinegar (I used fig)


Layer the tomatoes on a large plate, sprinkle with salt. Spread fig slices among them. Top with crumbled cheese and nuts. Drizzle oil and vinegar on top and eat! As prepared, this came in at 6 smart points but you could probably cut down the cheese and knock of a point or two.

Tomato, Fresh Fig and Blue Cheese Salad

Oh and I had a roll with it too wipe up the leavings – yum!