Wait – before I get into that, I need popcorn. It’s 4:00 and that’s usually People’s Court time and popcorn. I know, I’m going to go wireless (though for some reason my wireless within my own home on this new computer never seems to be fast – I’ll figure it out one of these days), but anyway, I’m going to go make some popcorn, grab a A&W diet Cream Soda, pop into the bedroom (Sammi has commandeered the TV downstairs), and work on these France e-mails.

Be right back.

So here’s the first link Shannon sent me: Fodors Forum. I’m skimming through it now to see if anything peaks (or is it peeks) my interest. So far the one thing I’m reminded of is Paris Walks and how I’ve been intrigued by their tours not only in Paris but in London, where we missed the opportunity to join them when there last summer. I was also intrigued last time we were there by their tour of the Opera Garnier, which unfortunately, I do not see on their website at the moment.
Another suggestion from that thread I like, Notre Dame at night – I imagine it would be pretty cool.

Okay – the Opera Garnier has a ceiling painted by Chagall – big fan here since seeing the windows at the Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem 20+ years ago; I think I need to figure out how to get inside.

Of course this interested in me and demands a bit more research:

Musee de Camondo – owned by a Turkish Jewish family that moved to Paris, created a beautiful house and collected art work, died in the holocaust

This reminds me – need to talk to Shannon and Colleen to see if they want to visit Olivier at O Chateau.

Well, that was repetitive but definitely interesting. On to the other two e-mails.