Yes, I better be saying that today because it’s pretty much all I can eat (that and ice pops and Italian ice, and broth – ooh). Doc has me on a “liquid” diet in preparation for my surgery tomorrow. Why I must do one step short of a colonoscopy preparation (don’t ask about the laxatives I must do later), for an oophorectomy, I do not know. I tried calling the office on Friday after my MRI to find out but they close at noon on Friday – who knew? You can bet I’ll be calling in a couple of hours though … I’m already hungry.
Yesterday, it was a no fiber day (again, if you want to clean out, I’d think you’d want fiber). I have no idea how people survive on Atkins but man all I wanted last night was some fruit and vegetables and a whole wheat bun for my burger. Guess you always want what you can’t have.
I’m going to be a real pleasure in about 8 hours.
Can’t wait until tomorrow.