Maisie DobbsI spent the last week being introduced to the world of Maisie Dobbs thanks to someone in a book group to which I belong on Facebook. [BTW thanks to whoever recommended it]. Maisie is a former nurse who served in the First World War. Now some 10 years later (actually 1929) she’s hung up her shingle as an investigator of sorts. Don’t worry she did spend years apprenticing with another investigator, taking over his practice upon his retirement.

Maisie you see has an interesting past. The only child of a man who I believe is a vendor of sorts at the fruit and vegetable market. She somehow makes the acquaintance and earns the support of a Lady who helps her with her career. You do get Maisie’s backstory about 1/3 of the way into the book. As the book starts out in her present, returns to the past and then propels us back to her present. I almost wish we had skipped that middle third and continued to build the mystery of her past instead.

Really the book reminded me of the Bess Crawford mysteries as like Maisie, Bess is a World War One nurse only she solves mysteries during the war. With Maisse it’s almost as if it’s Bess but ten years on. I find the tone of both similar. In this story Maisie starts out investigating a wife who may be committing adultery. While that mystery quickly resolved it leads to another involving wounded soldiers that ends up touching Maisie’s personal life.

Maisie Dobbs – My Thoughts

I enjoyed the time I spent in Maisie’s world. The writing was easy with a decent amount of suspense but not horrible on the violence (other than the war scenes). I also enjoy the time period too – the class system is breaking down in England and women are gaining rights. If you are looking for a good cozy, this should fit the bill.