avonwalk_logo.gifI wanted to write some great post here telling you about this but let’s face it, almost everyone knows about the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer and anyone who’s been following this blog recently knows, I have (had) breast cancer, so here it is, I’ve signed up to do the walk.
Throughout this entire process I can’t help but think about all the women out there who do not have access to the same medical care I’ve had and who do not have the amazing support system I have in all of you, and this is a way for me to give something back. You can read more about where the money goes here, How the money is Spent.
So what does that mean to all of you? It means I’m going to ask you to support me one more time (ah, who are we kidding, I’ll probably hit you up several times over the coming years but let’s just focus on this one for now). By clicking here, My Avon Page (or on the image in the side bar or above), you’ll go to my Avon Page where you can make a donation in support of my effort. I need to raise $1800 in order to participate but I know we can do it.
I have three friends who will be walking with me too. Alison, Alina and Stephanie, and each of them needs to also raise $1800 – so I’m going to ask you to go a bit further too – if you intend to donate, consider supporting them too (or instead of me!), especially when I’m close to goal (but don’t be afraid to do it even now), as I know walking a marathon and half without them by my side will be next to impossible.
avon walk photo
Alison, Alina & Kim (we’ll get a new picture w/ Steph soon)

So to paraphrase that great Chicago saying, “Please, give early, and give often!”
Oh, and stay tuned for updates as we get our act together (getting Alina registered, getting a new photo) and start our 20 week training program.
Thank you in advance!