It’s back!

If you remember, Diana tweeted (@dianabaur) asking “What are you grateful for in you life” and linked to her blog, Creative Structures where she listed what she is grateful for. So I decided to jump into the game. I meant to keep a list this week but forgot so I’m winging it again.

We all know the biggies – so must I repeat them each week? Ah, why not!

  • I’m grateful for the support of all my friends and family.
  • I’m grateful to be alive.

Now specifically – can you all guess this next one???

  • I’m grateful to be going to Paris with my Mom, Sammi and Jake tonight!!!
  • I’m grateful that I found a company that can ship me an unlocked cell phone overnight (let’s hope it works)
  • I’m grateful the ginormous blister on my ankle has heeled for now
  • I’m grateful for the nice little Paris tidbits my friend, Colleen, sent me – thank you Colleen!
  • I’m grateful for my Dad watching Becky while I’m gone
  • I’m grateful to Barbara for shaving the little fuzzy hair on the back of my neck that just didn’t seem to go as the rest of my hair grew in (though I must admit, hearing that buzz gave me the heebee jeebies)
  • I’m grateful to my friends Allison and Stephanie for doing the Avon Walk with me.

Okay – that’s it for now. I forgot to eat breakfast again and need to get something in my belly.