Fifty Shades of GreyWhat more is there to say about the book Fifty Shades of Grey? You either love it or hate it, I think. Guess I’m more in the latter camp.

Let’s forget that it’s a bigger fairy tale than say, the Sookie Stackhouse Series. I mean if you can believe in shape shifters and vampires, why not believe in a 27 year-old self-made gorgeous billionaire who pilots his own helicopters, has his own airplane (among other toys ;D) and wants to cure the hunger crisis in the world, falling for a 21 (or was she 22) year-old virgin?

This book has been so poorly written and in such desperate need of a good editor that any chance at a decent, believable love story is completely lost. For example, everyone murmurs in this book (197 times to be exact). Why not grumble, mumble or mutter sometimes instead? I guess murmur is just sexier. Well, then for god’s sake, let them whisper!

I give it to you, the sex scenes can be hot, but even then after a while, give it a rest! Jeez, 528 pages in paperback form and what was the time span? Two weeks? Enough.
Plus, I got the distinct impression that the author had no experience with so much of what she wrote (the wine for example, or the booze). It was like she Googled to find out what some good wines are and threw them into the book to demonstrate how sophisticated Christian Grey really is (at his ripe young age). Well, let me tell you, if anyone ever uses Hendricks Gin to make a gin and tonic in my presence, I’m going to slap them silly.

Look, if your horny rent some soft porn or read Lady Chatterley’s Lover  (the original 50 Shades). If you want a love story, get some Nora Roberts or Danielle Steel. Seriously people, we have to do better than this!