Well, that didn’t take long – set the plan yesterday morning and by yesterday afternoon, it changes. Such is life.

So here’s what happened. Yesterday Representative Rush Holt’s office called me. That’s who I contacted about arranging a White House tour. They wanted to get my travel information to see if they could set up something for us. I explained to the nice aide, that my husband was able to arrange a tour of the West Wing on Saturday (again, long story, short) to which he replied, “Well you can’t be that.”

But then he asked, “So do you have any interest in touring the Capitol while you’re here?” Turns out they’re setting up some tours on Friday and he could get us on the 3:00 tour (maximum 15 people). I said, “Sure!”

So now it will be zoo in the morning, then head over to the Capitol in the afternoon for the tour. Still not sure when we’ll squeeze in the National Archives but we’ll do it. Three days just isn’t long enough!